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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Find me at

Please find me at:

Oh Yes!

Yes, I am. Working hard to find my place on the SEO train. Removed most of my listings on Amazon and Ebay. Restarted my Artfire Shoppe. I felt the need to restart and rethink my approach.

I have been selling on Ebay since 1997. Last time they called me to "discuss" how I could sell more I asked them if I get any cool Kudos for being a LONG TIME seller? Ah nope. But, I will play their game for the time being.

Ebay sellers (not me) have done an extreme injustice to themselves and the collectibles world in general. Sellers list valuable and invaluable items for dirt prices. Their dirt, low price auction listings are seriously hurting the value of antiques and collectibles by driving the prices down so badly that something precious is worth nothing. Ebay must know this and they must take responsibility for driving down the value. More on this later, I think I pissed myself off.